The main point in having training is to show off your RP Skills and also to make the Fighting RPs more realistic. For example a new member just joined the site and is currently in a fight with someone, it isn't logical for him to be able to kick the crap out of another member so fast. Thats why there is training, training is just to prove your rp skills and make your character stronger. It's basically making a History for your character but training something, training can be anything cooking, speed, strength etc... At the end of your finished training post you can say how much you got better at it, like let's say i made a training for me to be stronger with my Zanpakutou, at the end I can say that my Zanpakutou got 5X stronger.
A Admin will review it to see if everything is in order, if it's alright to the admins view that training will take effect if not change what the admin said. That is all thank you for your time. The Training needs to be at least 500 Words long.
Ok, from now on i will be very strict on every training